Over a rich and diverse twenty-five-year career, John C. Gresko adeptly navigated various professional roles, showcasing his versatility as a project coordinator, office librarian, job captain, project architect, construction administrator, lead designer, technical director, and AIA National Building Performance advisor. Throughout this journey, he emerged as a distinguished leader, notably serving as the company leader in Southern California—one of the world's largest and most demanding markets—where he was responsible for overseeing all aspects, from personnel to products.
Under John's expert supervision, the company not only achieved remarkable financial success but also garnered accolades for its exceptional work culture. For five consecutive years, the company was awarded the prestigious title of "Best Place to Work in Architecture" in the country. This recognition underscored John's commitment to fostering an environment where talent thrived and innovation flourished, making the company not just a leader in the industry but a beacon for exemplary workplace practices. His leadership not only shaped the company's financial trajectory but also made a lasting impact on its culture and industry reputation.

John has carved out a profoundly successful career in the field of architecture. However, what truly sets him apart is his empathy and concern for his fellow architects. He finds it disheartening to hear and read stories about the challenges and obstacles that other professionals in the industry have faced. Beyond being an architect himself, John is an ardent admirer of architects and their craft.
His passion for the architectural profession drives him to be a staunch advocate for the industry. His sole intention is to guide and inspire others to achieve their fullest potential in this historically significant and noble field. Along his own remarkable journey, John has acquired invaluable insights and strategies, which he wholeheartedly believes can benefit anyone in the profession. His mission is to share these lessons and empower fellow architects to reach their aspirations, contributing to the continued growth and excellence of this esteemed discipline.

These six tips will revolutionize your career and transform your practice.